Kingdom Prayers: 31 December (New Year’s Eve)

Corby Glen Group Virtual Church
Corby Glen Group Virtual Church
Kingdom Prayers: 31 December (New Year’s Eve)

Listen to a simple service of prayer and reflection centred on John 1.1-18 for 31 December

Reflection on John 1.1-18 for New Year’s Eve

He came as a witness to testify to the light … the true light which enlightens everyone.

Today we say goodbye to the old as we prepare to enter into the new. At midnight bells will be rung, fireworks will crackle into life and resolutions will be made. There will be parties, embraces and the sharing of memories and hopes for the future. In the year ahead there will be both optimism and apprehension, excitement and uncertainty, joy and sadness. Then, after this universal moment of celebration as one year moves into another, for so many, it will be back to ‘business as usual’. The party spirit will be packed away until the next cause for celebration comes along, the bonhomie will be packed away as we don our usual attitude of suspicion and self-interest, and those resolutions will quickly be forgotten. The coming of a new year, with all its excitements and opportunities, will be celebrated like a birthday, a once-a-year event that is fun while it lasts but its shelf-life is very short indeed.

This may sound a rather bleak way of looking at the beginning of a new year, but it is the reality for most. It is this reality that is being challenged by the words with which I began this reflection: he came as a witness to testify to the light … the true light which enlightens everyone. In the famous opening to John’s gospel we hear of Jesus, the Word of God that became flesh and lived among us. We also hear of the herald of the Word, John the Baptist, the prophet who came as a witness to testify to the light, that is the light of Christ that now shines in this world.

As we read these inspired and inspiring verses we also read of a world whose people did not accept him, that is the Word that was in the beginning with God. These words recognize that in the hearts and minds of many, the notion of God coming into this world to revitalize his covenant with humanity, and to bring redemption and hope to all, is too difficult a concept because it challenges the ‘comfortable’ lifestyles and routines we have created for ourselves.

As we leave the old year, and as we stand at the gateway to a new year, we are being given yet another opportunity to step out with new resolve. Not a trivial resolve that is centred on weight loss, healthier habits or our need to be ‘nicer’ people, rather a resolve to be more resolute in the way we live out and share our faith in Jesus Christ.

The shortest day of the year is now behind us and we are moving forward into new times. As the days lengthen we are being challenged to join John, and all who have followed him, testifying to the light … the light, which will, with our help, enlighten everyone. As our feeble self-serving resolutions fade into oblivion, let us pray that our resolve to be better disciples and apostles may be strengthened every single day of the new year that is opening for us at the end of this day.