The Corby Glen Group Virtual Church website releases daily recordings of simple services and reflections intended to help us all as we journey through difficult and challenging times. Written and recorded by Revd Fr Stephen Buckman, an ordained priest of the Church of England, they are centred on gospel readings from Daily Eucharistic Lectionary (DEL) and the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL).
The recordings can be listened to on this website or as podcasts. Several podcast series are available:
- Kingdom Prayers, a daily podcast of prayer and reflection to support the journey through the Kingdom season, Advent and Christmas, from All Saints Day (1 November) to the start of the Epiphany season (7 January)
- Daily Prayer for Ordinary Time
- Prayers for Red-Letter Days, an occasional series focused on saints’ days and other major festivals in the church year.
From the start of the new church year (Advent Sunday) the reflections are also available in text form on each podcast webpage to support lay ministers preparing Services of the Word for their local congregations – use the site’s ‘Search’ and ‘Explore’ tools to find what you need.
History of the website
Corby Glen Group Virtual Church came into being in March 2020 as an immediate response to the closing down of public worship throughout the country caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
In the following weeks, months and years the website grew, welcoming friends from around the world.
In 2024, it was decided to restructure the site, reflecting the changing needs of its visitors. The rich archive of recordings and reflections from that time is slowly being added to this new site.