Kingdom Prayers: 6 January (The Epiphany)

Corby Glen Group Virtual Church
Corby Glen Group Virtual Church
Kingdom Prayers: 6 January (The Epiphany)

Listen to a simple service of prayer and reflection centred on Matthew 2.1-12 for 6 January, the Feast of the Epiphany

Reflection on Matthew 2.1-12 for the Feast of the Epiphany

The wise men said: we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage. Then … they left for their own country by another road.

We are all on a journey. That journey begins with our birth and ends when our mortal bodies fail and our earthly pilgrimage concludes in death. Every life-long journey is different as each of us responds in a different way to the signposts, the chances and the challenges which ease or hinder the path we follow. On this feast of the Epiphany we are being invited to reflect upon how the wise men responded to the signposts, chances and challenges which led them to the Christ-Child in a far away foreign land.

Epiphany has always been special to me because it was when I was confirmed. I can vividly recall the text upon which the bishop preached. From the King James version of the Bible, the bishop began with these words:  we have seen his star … and are come to worship him.For me, there has always been great power in these words. They make it plain that a signpost to God was seen, recognised for what it was, and followed … despite what must have been great inconvenience and uncertainty! Furthermore, these words reveal an intention ([we] are come to worship him) that leaves us in no doubt: for the wise men, and for us, the worship of God should come before all else!

Theologians and historians tell us that the wise men are most likely to have travelled over one thousand miles on their quest to find and worship the baby Jesus. If only we could demonstrate such strength of faith! I recently met someone who used to be a regular church-goer. He was clearly embarrassed to have bumped into the vicar. Before I could say anything he blurted out that he and his wife still believed in God, but they were, “Giving Church a rest.” What an interesting concept that is, as well as being complete nonsense! The Church does not need a rest, it needs to see the commitment of the wise men replicated day after day as we journey through this life and worship God.

As well as making that long and arduous journey, the wise men, we are told, returned by another road. As they sought to avoid the political machinations and cruelty of this world, they allowed God to lead them along another path, an unknown path. We are also called to follow the path God has laid for us, the path that will be unfamiliar, and that may seem unwise and dangerous. But, it is God who knows best. It is God’s signposts we should be following, and not our own well-trod and self-serving paths, those paths that will lead us away from God.

On this feast of the Epiphany, let us pray that we might continue our earthly pilgrimage with renewed determination and energy. Let us pray that we might join the wise men in following the signposts that will lead us to Christ. Let us pray that our worship might be renewed in sincerity and vigour. Let us pray that we might journey by that other road, the road God has chosen for us.